DTO-BioFlow at the Euromarine Open Science Day

DTO Bio-Flow at the Euromarine Open Science Day
Bologna (Italy) and Online

The latest research on the regulation and resilience of the earth systems is alarming. Crossing the boundaries of our systems increases the risk of generating large-scale abrupt or irreversible environmental changes. The Ocean as a major regulator of the biosphere is at the focus of the European Union. Researchers are now asked to provide impactful research in a multidisciplinary and ever-changing environment. In this new context there is a need to reflect on how the Marine Research Community can help addressing the global ocean challenges.

In response to this imperative, Euromarine Network is gearing up for its annual Open Science Day on the 13th of February, themed "Science at the boundaries: Addressing the brink of the social-ecological and climatic tipping points of marine ecosystems." This event welcomes scientists, experts, and stakeholders to participate in four designated sessions.

DTO-BioFlow at the event

Carlota Muiz from the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) will represent the DTO-BioFlow project during the session "EU Mission Ocean & Waters projects", on 13 February 16:20-16:30 CET.

Official event page: https://euromarinenetwork.eu/news/euromarine-open-science-day-and-general-assembly-2024/