DUC 1 on invasive species management
Invasive marine species (Non-Indigenous Species - NIS) are a major threat to marine ecosystems and biodiversity across Europe. Early…
DUC 2 on the Impact from offshore infrastructures
The expansion of offshore infrastructures, such as wind farms, oil platforms, and subsea pipelines, poses challenges to marine ecosystems,…
DUC 3 Assessing pelagic biodiversity and human impact
Plankton, which includes various aquatic plants and animals that drift with currents, are crucial indicators of marine ecosystem health.…
DUC 4 Spatial planning of sustainable mariculture
Sustainable mariculture, including low-impact aquaculture practices, offers a way to meet growing seafood demand while reducing…
DUC 5 Ecosystem-based spatial planning and MPA management
Marine ecosystems provide essential services, such as erosion prevention and carbon sequestration, that support human well-being. However,…
DUC 6 Lower-trophic level biomass monitoring to inform ocean governance
Zooplankton, especially species like Calanus spp., play a critical role in marine food webs and can serve as indicators of ocean health.…