WP Description
DTO-BioFlow WP6 is responsible for the development and implementation of the project communication, dissemination and exploitation strategies. It will ensure an effective stakeholder engagement thanks to a series of campaigns which will bring benefits in terms of engagement of partners and external stakeholders, as well as impact, from constant monitoring and adjusting of the actions, to efficiency of the resources spent. This WP will work in close collaboration with WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5
Key Tasks
- Develop the project branding and the DTO-Bioflow website, with updates published in a timmely manner;
- Produce a detailed communication, dissemination & exploitation strategy and plan;
- Manage communication channels (e.g. social media & newsletter);
- Procude communication materials;
- Support the design, planning and roll-out of the workshops, events and webinars;
- Promote the engagement and participation of existing and potential biodiversity data providers to contribute to sustainable data flows towards the DTO;
- Connect and consult with key stakeholder groups, including from Mission related initiatives, to bring their inputs to be considered by the remaining DTO-BioFlow Work Packages;
- Engage with international DTO community and appropriate UN Ocean Decade programs;
- Monitor and harvest relevant conclusions and recommendations stemming from stakeholder consultation processes within the project and in the wider ocean observation & DTO landscape.
Key expected outcomes
- Strength knowledge exchange and professional relations via the roll-out of workshops, networking and consultation activities;
- Build durable relationships with DTO data providers via onboarding mechanisms;
- Ensure wide promotion of the project and its results to key target audiences via sound digital communications (website, social media presence, materials & digital marketing actions);
- Foster uptake of DTO-BioFlow results